Turkey Suppliers



Turkey Suppliers

Premium Agricultural-Grade Potassium Sulfate – Natural Soil Nutrient from Turkey


Product Export details

Brand: oem
Product code: Potassium Sulphate
Package Type: bundle
Quantity per package: 47

Product description

Our Premium Agricultural-Grade Potassium Sulfate is a top-quality soil amendment that caters to the essential nutrient needs of diverse crops. Extracted from natural raw materials, our product is an invaluable asset to Turkey's agricultural community and worldwide. With its high potassium (K2O) content and purity, it is specially formulated to reinforce the root and structural health of plants, heighten disease resistance, and enhance the physical qualities of fruits and vegetables, including size, color, and taste.

This non-chlorinated potassium sulfate is particularly recommended for sensitive crops, ensuring that they receive the best care without the adverse effects of chlorine. Its full water solubility makes it exceptionally suitable for modern irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation, allowing for efficient and direct absorption by plant roots.

Free from heavy metals, acids, and with minimal chlorine content, our potassium sulfate carries the EKOTAR certification, verifying its suitability for organic agriculture. It is a product that not only supports soil fertility and plant vitality but also aligns with eco-friendly farming practices.

#PotassiumSulfate #SoilNutrient #Agriculture #OrganicFarming #SustainableAgriculture #TurkishAgriculture #PlantHealth #CropProduction #WaterSolubleFertilizer #OrganicCertified #FarmingSupplies

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